Saturday, January 29, 2011

Final Papertrey Ink Giveaway #5!!

It's been a lot of fun doing these giveaways and reading all of your comments! Today I am offering lots of PTI goodies for this final giveaway. It is a sampler of many of PTI's products: stamps, impression plate, ribbons, buttons, paper, felt and more!

For those stopping by for the first time, I am celebrating my blogiversary by posting several Papertrey Ink giveaways throughout the month of January. Everyone can participate, so if you would like a chance to win, feel free to leave a comment!

There are three chances to win today!!

Giveaway #1 includes PTI Cardstock and patterned papers...

And it also includes three colors of felt, ribbons and buttons.

Giveaway #2 includes a Moroccon Motifs Impression Plate, mini paint cans, a 2011 blank mini calendar, a new pink PTI bag, and a PTI notepad.

Giveaway #3 is the yet to be released limited edition 2010 PTI Anniversary stamp set. For those who will not be earning one, this is a great chance to win a copy. I will send the Anniversary set free to you as soon I receive it later in the spring.

I will ship these free to 3 winners anywhere in the world. 

Here are the details to enter:

1. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment saying why you love papercrafting. Also, please mention which giveaway you'd like to win, or if you'd like to win any of them.

2. Since this giveaway is for my blog readers, I am asking that you must also be a follower to enter. Just click the "Follow" link to the side, if you are not already a follower. Please let me know if you are already a follower.

3. Also, it is not required, but I would so appreciate if you'd like to spread the word about the giveaway too.

I will announce the winners to the Giveaway on Thursday, February 3rd. This is the final giveaway for this round, but I will try to have more giveaways in the future!

Thanks again so much for reading my blog and for playing along with these giveaways!

Have a very sunshine-filled day!


Smilie girl said...

Thank you very much for your generosity with the give aways. You are very kind.
I think I like paper crafting because it brings out your inner child, the part of me that has always like cutting, glueing and colouring. I also like all the pretty colours and textures. And in case I sound to shallow, I also like the joy of giving something handmade to those that I love.
I am a follower of your blog and seeing as I have no PTI goodies, any would be gratefully received.

alethea said...

Wow what a generous blog candy!! You are amazing!! i like papercrafting cos it gives me a chance to do something I like to do, be creative and colour!! Being a single mum, I don't get a lot of time on my own so at nights is when I get my crfaty stuff out and play!!
Thanks again for a chance to win!!I think I would get more use out of prize one or three as i don't seemt o do much OTP stuff!! I am already a follower and am about to post your candy on my blog!!

Amy Kolling said...

Monica....what a SWEET giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing the goodness of PTI! I'd take Giveaway #1.....yummy papers and ribbon!

Vivi Casale said...

oh my gosh... this giveaway is great.. like the others ones..!!
Thanks for the chance!!!
Im putting a pick of this candy on my blog!

Kerry said...

Wow! This is wonderful. I would love to be put in for Giveaway #1 or #2, but I'll be getting anniversary sets of my own, so I don't need to be entered in #3.

I am a happy follower of your blog!

I love papercrafting because I am in love with the supplies. I adore paper, and ribbon and playing with stamps. I'll admit, mostly it's the paper.

Cathy Weber said...

Well Monica, I love papercrafting, specifically stamping because there is such a great feeling when you take something that is a blank piece of cardstock and soon, the paper is filled with images and emotion. I absolutely love it. I would love to win any of your great prizes, but I have to say that Moroccan Motif impression plate really has my name on it. Thanks again for the chance to win your wonderful prizes. Happy Blogaversary to you once again!

Debbi said...

I would love to win any of the prizes--they are all so wonderful! Thank you for the chance.
I am a follower, and I have linked your candy to my sidebar.
I love crafting, because it gives an outlet to my creativity, and it calms me. I tell my children that it is my "therapy", lol.
Thank you again!

Melissa said...

You are seriously amazing for having all these generous giveaways, Monica!!!

I love papercrafting because it's like therapy for me...a chance to have some time alone, in the quiet, and create something with my hands. Something we rarely do nowadays.

Thanks again for the chance! I will be getting, ahem, a couple of anniversary sets, so I'd love to be considered for your 1st and 2nd giveaways!

Jen Carter said...

You are so generous!! I'd love to win Giveaway #1 or #2!

Why do I enjoy papercrafting...for several reasons. One it is a stress reliever and I also just enjoy being able to unleash my creativity with paper and ink and buttons, etc!! I also love the community of paper crafters! They are some of the sweetest and most generous and caring people in the world and I am glad to call many of them friends!

Jen Adcock said...

I enjoy papercrafting because it is such an amazing sanity saver. I feel so relaxed and chilled out when crafting, that is if I don't try to heat emboss in the absence of my embossing -buddy as that is too stressful at the best of times. I just enjoy making handmade things to give to others and I hope it brings them a little bit of joy that making it gives me.

How amazingly generous your give-a-ways are! I'd be happy with #1 or #3, but seeing how far away I am, I'd be content just knowing of your generosity. Nice.

Jayne said...

I love paper crafting partly because the supplies are so beautiful (I could just sit and look at my stuff) and because it is so relaxing for me. Very zen.

These giveaways are so awesome. Papertrey ink is by far the best brand and I would love to win 1, 2, or 3. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess said...

Wow thanks for the chance to win!! I would love to win any of these as I have no PTI goodies (hint hint ;))

I love papercrafting because it's such a fun and versatile hobby.

Oh yeah, and I'm a follower of yours from way back! ;)

Amy said...

What a generous giveaway! Paper crafting is a relaxing hobby for me. Whenever I'm stressed I can start coloring with my copics and somehow the stress goes away!

Larisa said...

Great giveaway! I love papercrafting because it helps me to forget the reality round of me in the streets, in society, etc. I plunge into the world of creativity and I want to stay there always.
I linked it on sidebar
I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Henriƫtte said...

Monica, thank you very much for your generosity with the give aways.
I love papercrafting and buttons because it's like therapy for me, I don't feel all the stress and my life feels better!!
Thank you for the chance to win.
I am already a follower and put your candy on my blog's sidebar.
Hugs Henriƫtte

Stephanie said...

Monica........You have absolutely amazed me with the generosity of your give aways this month.

Why I love paper crafting??? Because I think I finally found my "niche." I have always crafted but only did something for a month or two and then quit. I think the variety is what I love the most about this hobby. You are stamping, and folding, and coloring, and the list goes on and on. It's perfect for my crafting ADD (attention deficit

If I were lucky enough to win again, I'd pick the PTI Cardstock and patterned papers. Thanks so much!

Sue Ann said...

What great celebration you are having for your anniversary Miss Monica!! You know I am a follower ...... I Love all the gift wrapping and fun projects you do. Now let me see if I can figure out how to put something on my sidebar ....... you know I am blonde with 3 small kids right :) Have a great day and i hope we get the Pals back on the runway soon!!! xoxo

Chiara said...

thank you for this fantastic Giveaway! :-)
I'm already a follower and I'd like to win n. 1 or n. 2.

Papercrafting it's fantastic because there are so many and cute things to create (cards, box, frames...)!!! :-)))

I've just posted yhe link on my blog

Kara said...

another generous! I've already won, but I just wanted to say good luck to everyone else!!!

Liz said...

Absolutely amazing giveaway! I'd love to win all three as I didn't get the cash flow this year to get to my 12 sets :(

I love papercrafting because it's one of those things you can get immediate satisfaction out of. You can make it as easy or as difficult as you want and it's always changing.

Emma said...

Wow what a great giveaway! I would love to be entered in the first one please.I love papercrafting because it's the only time I get some me time! I just find it so relaxing :)

Isha Gupta said...

I love papercraft because, I can challenge myself all the time and the final result gives great satisfaction and the process relaxes me. I would really like to win no. 1 or 3 cos I love Papertrey goodies and its quite expensive to order here.Thanks for giving a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Monica, you are so generouse!! all these are surly giving others some sun shine..:)..I love paper crafting coz I get to creat some beautiful things with my own hand, I get to accomplish and show my love for others through the paper..:)..If i win, then I would love to get the first prize..:)..thanks for doing this!

Rosa Forino said...

Thank you for your generosity, the candy is really beautiful!!
Linked it on my blog
Io preferisco giveaway 1 and giveaway 2 ;-)
Hugs from italy,
blog creative:

LolƓ Artesanato said...

congrats for your future aniversary!!!!
In the craft word I like the stamps and papers (my passion)

If I win, I liked all the
and I'll happy with anyone

I posted about candy in my blog how to gadget!

Sorry for the english"


LolƓ Artesanato said...

In time, I'm follower now!

Becky said...

Another generous giveaway, Monica! I like papercrafting because it's something I can just pull out for a few minutes and enjoy, and when I send cards to others they (I hope) enjoy them too!

If I'm so lucky, I'd love the third prize, since I didn't make it up to 12 sets this past year.

Tanya Dudkina said...

So sweet giveaways! I just can't go by.
I wanna say that paper crafting is my little world, where I can do whatever I want. When I do smth like this I feel free and so excited!
Scrapbooking makes my free time full of positive emotions!
I put info about your candy on my sidebar
Thanks for a chance
P.S. I do love paper!! So the first candy is my choice)))
Thanks again!

Kay D said...

Another FABULOUS giveaway! I'm REALLY enjoying #2, as I've been on the fence about that impression plate, so I don't have it.
I literally use papercrafting to keep my sanity. Nothing soothes away the stress of the day like cutting and layering and playing with pretty colors!

Elle said...

I love papercrafting because I am a paper and stamp addict. I think I enjoy buying them more than playing with them but I do enjoy playing as well. It brings me happiness just thinking of possibly bringing a smile to someone else's face. I'm interested in Giveaway 2 and I'm already a follower. Love watching what you do with cards.

IamDerby said...

Seeing all that together just makes me giddy! LOL I already follow and I love Papercrafts because it just makes me happy to play with paper and markers and ink. I love making stuff with my own hands and I love how quickly cards come together.

Tanyusha said...

I want to try papercrafting. But I don't have any materials. May be your candy will be the first thing for my papercrafting. I want the first.

Tanyusha said...

I am already a follower.

Message Keeper said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Monica! It is so nice of you to break the goodies into few parts!

By the way, I am your 100th follower! Perhaps another giveaway to celebrate? :P Well, it is your choice thought and it is simply my suggestion. Hope you don'd mind!

I love paper crafting especially making cards as I am able to make the receiver felt my sincerity in making the card for him/her. As well as handmade card is unique and perhaps only one in a world! Isn't that just fabulous?! :)

If I am the lucky one, I would like to have the first giveaway as I seldom play with patterned papers and would like to have them so that I can use them in my cards!

Evelyn @ Message Keeper

Lola said...

Wow! Great candy! I love giveaway n# 1 !!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
On my blog:
Kisses ^_^

AuroraDawn said...

Wow Monica, thats some fantastic generosity with the giveaways, my favourite is #2.

Papercrafting is a fantastic stress reliever, my way of relaxing, I love to make cards and projects for other people and I just hope they enjoy them as much I enjoy making them :O)

Thank you for the chance to win.

I am already a follower and have put your candy on my blog's sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Hi, congrats for your future aniversary! I would love to win any of the prizes--they are all so wonderful! Thank you for the chance.
I am a follower, and I have linked your candy to my sidebar.
I love papercrafting because I am in love with the supplies. I adore paper, and ribbon and playing with stamps.

Kim O'Connell said...

Oooooh! WOuld love to win the PTI card stock and PP! Paper crafting is my therapy! Apparently I need lots of it! ;)

Š˜Š½Š½Š°_A said...

Wow what a generous blog candy!!

Steph648 said...

congrats on your anniversary!!!! as a new blogger, I can't imagine how great it is to see your blog grow! I just became a follower of your blog! I would love to win prize 2 with the impression plate- I have been wanting to try them from PTI! thanks

Cathy Fongjoyo said...

Wow! Great candy! I love giveaway n# 1 !!!
Thank you for the chance to win! And CONGRATS for ur blogoversarry.
the reason why i love paper crafting is.. because i love everything about art, they are so fun to do, and its stress-releasing :D im a new stamper but now becoming a stamp-addict.^^

Jennifer Rzasa said...

How sweet of you to host such a generous giveaway! I would love to win any, especially #3!!

Unknown said...

Wow Monica, this is SO generous of you! Congratulations on your blogiversary!!! Why do we love papercrafting? Because of PTI!!! No, I love to make things for people, and it's a fun & fast way to do that!

Rah said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary =)

Anna said...

Happy blogaversary Monica! :D I love to surround myself with pretty colourful things, and scrapbooking helps me so much :)
I love papers and cheerfull fabrics <3
I'd love to win any candy, but giveaway #1 is my fave! :)
Thanks for this precious opportunity Monica! You're so generous!
Hugs, Anna

nocidicoccole (at) gmail (dot) com
ps: spread the word about this giveaway on my left sidebar at

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